The Public Sector Challenge is a fantastic initiative on the part of the Chief Executive of Brentwood and Rochford Borough Council, Jonathan Stevenson. The initiative involves pubic sector staff and their private sector partners come together to complete an a challenge and in so doing fundraise for Cancer Research UK.

What was needed:

The plan for 2024 was to go bigger and raise more than before, to do this the team needed the challenge to have its own visual identity and materials.

What did we deliver? 

To aid their efforts for 2024’s challenge (and those to come) we developed a visual identity and then designed and built a website, which you can visit by clicking here, to support their marketing, fundraising and organisation.

In the run up to the challenge a key objective is to raise awareness as far and wide as possible. To facilitate this we created a distinctive visual identity which would stand out across social media, in print and on merchandise to be worn by participants.

We created a bright, fresh colour palette to engage and make an impact. At its heart is blue and white to allow for the easy digesting of information – a core objective as the website needed to be both inspirational and informative – with a bold pink gradient to inject energy and vibrancy.

The website meanwhile has been designed to engage and be easy to navigate. Prominent Call to Action blocks encourage people to find out more about the challenge and register to participate. With the website integrated with PayPal participants can pay their entry fee online and select their clothing too. Each participant then has a profile so they can tell their own story and link to their personal fundraising pages.

What does the client think? 

It was a project with a tight timeframe and minimal resources available from us as the client, but the team smashed it and provided a great platform for the challenge that is easily navigated now by the team supporting the Public Sector Challenge. I would highly recommend Kat and the team.

– Jonathan Stephenson Founder of The Public Sector Challenge and CEO of Brentwood Borough Council and Rochford District Council.

Does your organisation need a website?