Family Hubs Network

Family Hubs are centres which enhance integrated working by enabling easier access and better outcomes for families, more effective service delivery, and smarter use of budgets. The Family Hubs Network wants every community across the country to be able to enjoy their benefits and advocates for the spread of them by increasing awareness and sharing good practice.
What was needed?
The FHN came to us for design and typesetting support. Working to a tight timeline they needed an agency capable of working accurately at speed to produce a report which aligned with their brand guidelines and maximised engagement with its contents.
What did we deliver?
Working to a tight timeline can be stressful, we sought to mitigate this with regular, open communications to assure the report’s authors and team we the deadline would be met.
This was very much a data driven report, to maximise engagement we were careful to allow enough space for the numbers to speak for themselves. For instance, through dedicating a full page to a table measuring the family friendly nature of different countries. To aid quick understanding of the table’s contents it was recreated in the branding of the Family Hubs Network whose colour palette we used to develop a sliding scale.
We then worked closely with the team to typeset the report to best effect to allow the text to flow, thereby helping readability. Key quotes were pulled out from the text for impact, with particular examples of significance set out from the remainder of the text in boxes of the brand’s orange.