Typesetting and reports

What is typesetting?

Typesetting is the activity of arranging printed text and images on the page when preparing a book, newspaper, etc. for printing (defined by the Cambridge Dictionary) and, nowadays, for sharing digitally.

The point is not merely to arrange the text and images so they look nice and fit on the page. Although of course this is part of it! The real value comes when the person typesetting truly understands how people read and process information. Whether that be information in a printed format, or in a digital format. By understanding this they can best arrange text and images to achieve the impact the author is after.

With a thorough understanding of the psychology of design and how the brain reads and processes information our team can make sure your work has the impact you’re after.

How our team can add value through typesetting

Having taken the time to craft your report you want to ensure what you say is heard.

Our graphic designers will ensure your message resonates. They have a profound understanding of how people read and process written information which they will apply for maximum effect.

Policy reports often contain complicated data within the text that you need to support your conclusions. Our team can advise on the best way to present this, whether that be in individual graphs or by creating bespoke infographics. All of which will be done in your branding and in an accessible format.

When it comes to highlighting important information or issues, typesetting is everything. We transform your facts and numbers into compelling visual stories, that make it easier for your audience to digest complex information.

We work with people who need to communicate in an effective way with their audience through their publications. People who need to stand out from their competitors and deliver complex messages which cut through and have impact.

Often, we work with people who need things efficiently turned around, generally at speed, without quality being compromised.

So, if this sounds like it could add value to you then we’d love to hear from you.